

sabato, maggio 17, 2008

che lavori fa?

2. How To Say What You Do (HTI)

Welcome to “How To Italian” episode nr. 2!

In today’s episode we are going to learn how to ask someone

you just met what he or she does in life, all in a polite but friendly kind of way.

In case you missed last week’s episode,

“How To Italian” are 5 to 7 minutes audio programs

that will show you “how to” successfully learn

and master a very specific topic of the Italian Language.

And, if you are a LearnItalianPod VIP subscriber,

you’ll just love the way you’ll be able to practice these

“How To Italian” lessons when logging in to the Learning Center,

as they are the closest thing to a real-time conversation with an Italian! Enjoy!

How To Italian - Episode Nr. 2


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