

giovedì, novembre 24, 2011

Proverbi Italiani (3)


Cambiano i suonatori ma la musica è sempre quella.
English translation: The melody's changed but the song remains the same.

Cane che abbaia non morde.
English translation: The dog that barks doesn't bite.
Idiomatic meaning: His bark is worse than his bite.

Casa senza fimmina 'mpuvirisci. (Sicilian proverb)
English translation: How poor is a home without a woman!

Chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera.
English translation: A good start is half the battle

Chi cento ne fa, una ne aspetti.
English translation: What goes around comes around.

Chi cerca trova.
English translation: Seek and you shall find.

Chi di spada ferisce di spada perisce.
English translation: He who lives by the sword dies by the sword.

Chi dorme non piglia pesci.
English translation: Who sleeps doesn't catch fishes.
Idiomatic meaning: The early bird catches the worm.

Chi è causa del suo male piange se stesso.
English translation: He who has created his own evil cries over the same.
Idiomatic meaning: He who has made his bed must lie in it.

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