

sabato, maggio 17, 2008

che cosa si vide

1. How To Ask What’s Up (HTI)

Learn Italian with LearnItalianPod!

This is the first episode of a new series called “How To Italian”

that we’re adding to our podcasts.

“How To Italian” are 5 to 7 minutes audio lessons that will show you
“how to” successfully learn, practice, and master a very specific topic of the Italian Language. What’s important to say is that, on this series, we will only speak “the real,

informal, everyday Italian”, the one you will hear if you ever happen to mingle with real Italians.

Today, we are going to re-explore how to greet people but in a more down-to-earth,

“real-life” kind of way.
And, if you are a LearnItalianPod VIP subscriber,

you’ll just LOVE the way you’ll be able to practice these “How To Italian” episodes -

we promise you it will be the closest thing to a real dialogue with an Italian.

Benvenuti a “How To Italian”, everybody!

How To Italian - Episode Nr. 1

(right-click, save as)

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